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KVKK Personal Data Protection

What is KVKK?


The Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 was published on 7 April 2016 and entered into force. In the processing of personal data, it is the law that protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and regulates the obligations and rules to be followed by real and legal persons who process personal data. Except for the exceptions specified in the law, the processing of personal data of the persons concerned without their explicit consent or their transfer to third parties is prohibited.

Protection of personal data, as one of the natural consequences of the age of technology, is rapidly gaining importance on a global scale.

It has become a topic.

The Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) is the most comprehensive regulation in Turkish legal legislation on the subject.

In case of personal data breach, a prison sentence of 1 to 3 years is foreseen. Administrative fines can start from 5,000 TL and increase up to 1,000,000 TL.


What is VERBIS?


According to Article 16 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, natural and legal person data controllers who process personal data must register with the Data Controllers Registry Information System (VERBIS) before processing personal data. VERBIS is a registration system where natural and legal persons processing personal data must register before starting personal data processing and enter information on a categorical basis regarding the personal data they are processing.


KVKK Compliance Technical and Structural Process:


Situation analysis of the organization.

Gap analysis.

Study of business processes.

Preventing unnecessary personal data sources and data circulation

Determining the standards in accordance with the KVKK legislation on sectoral and institutional basis.

Preparation of KVKK Compliance process documents.

Personal Data Processing Process:


Analysis of personal data sources and circulation and creation of data to be processed

Creation of personal data categories

Identification of personal data fields.

Creating personal data processing inventory in accordance with KVKK legislation.

Analysis of the accuracy of VERBIS registration processing

Analysis of the accuracy of the VERBIS registration process

Software integration for KVKK compliance

The Process of Designing Business Processes in Compliance with KVKK:


Analysis of existing business processes.

Compliance study of business processes with KVKK legislation.

Making the website content compatible with the legislation.

Designing KVKK compliance process training activities.


KVKK Personal
Data Protection

management system




​Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi
2125. Street, Kolbay Business Center,
A-Block No:5,

0312 481 5510

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